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Complaint Procedure

1. Deadline for lodging a complaint

Complaints about the execution of the agreement must be submitted to Gladwell Academy in a timely, complete and clear manner. By ‘timely’ is meant ‘within a reasonable period after the (candidate) participant has discovered or could have detected the defects’. Failure to submit the complaint on time may result in the (prospective) participant losing his or her rights in this matter.

2. Knowability

Complaints must be made known in writing or by e-mail to Gladwell Academy stating “complaint”.

Gladwell Academy
Barbara Strozzilaan 201
1083 HN Amsterdam

Or by e-mail to:

Gladwell Academy only handles written complaints. Gladwell therefore advises the participant to send the complaint by registered mail or to request an e-mail confirmation of receipt. The (prospective) participant gives a motivated explanation of the content of the complaint. Also mentions the (prospective) participant of the training or education, the location and the name of the teacher to promote an expedited handling.

If the problem is relatively simple and quick to resolve, the problem can be made known by telephone. Gladwell Academy will then propose a solution as soon as possible. You can call the Project Coordinator or Associate Professor on 020-2402244. We are available from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm from Monday to Friday.

3. Privacy

A complaint will always be treated confidentially by Gladwell Academy.

4. Confirmation of complaint

Gladwell Academy will send a written acknowledgment of receipt to the customer within 10 working days after receipt of the written complaint. If a solution can not be offered immediately, this letter will also give an indication of the period within which a further investigation will be started and the complaint will be dealt with. The retention period of the complaint is 2 years.

5. Dispute resolution

If the complaint can not be resolved by mutual agreement, a dispute arises that is susceptible to the dispute settlement. For this we hire a third independent person. The judgment of this third independent person is binding, any consequences are handled quickly by Gladwell Academy.